
Learning From Many Videos!

I watched ten videos about peer review. I learned that correcting grammar and spelling mistakes is not priority of peer review. I commented only about these mistakes to my peer's essays, so I have to change my way to comment. I would like to comment their essays in detail like ''why this sentence is not correct'', or ''why this point is good''.
I cannot verify whether my essay is clear, unity and logically or not by myself, so peer review is so important.
In the previous blog, I wrote that '' I cannot use grammarly!'',but  I could use it yesterday!! I think it is useful and it makes me find the point that is not correct academically.
I want to improve my essay skills.
- Do. Or do not. There is no try -


Everyday Essay Excellent!!!!!

 Until Tuesday, I was confused because I was lost in writing the essay and searching some articles. Now, however, I got how to search articles, so I am now excited!!!!!!!!!
 I read peer's clip of Evernote, and I am absorbed reading it. I thought the article would be useful for her essay. I am looking forward to reading her completed essay.
 Similarly, I realized that Evernote is very good function of preserving some articles. Thanks, Dan!
 Unfortunately, I have sick because of the extreme weather change in Tokyo and Gunma. (maybe) Thus, I will write comments about six videos in the next blogging, sorry... 


Two videos and LBH...

 Today, I read LBH 4a-4c to understand the draft. It is important to read over what you've already written, write freely like brainstorming, and start writing the part that you understand the best. Since I thought it was natural to start writing from the introduction of the essay, I was so surprised.
 Also, I watched two videos. I learned that outline helps a thesis paper and we do not have to be complete it. We should keep writing so that we will be able to make better essay.  I will do my best!

Last class.....

I feel so tired and I am in poor health. In the last ARW class, I learned how to use Evernote and ICU library web site, but I could not understand all of them. Therefore, I applied the lecture how to use the website being held in the Osumer library. I want to master the skill of looking into the thesis source. Also, I registered Grammarly tool, but I cannot check my own sentences!!! OMG!!!
After today's class, I am going to search about how to use this tool.


Writing essay...

 From the last class, I learned the citation. Citation plays many role, so I want to acquire how to use it perfectly. And first and last part of the paragraph should be writer's opinion and between them, some evidence and personal experience should be included.

 I want to write about trans fats as my 1st essay. Do you know trans fats? As I wrote about it in the previous blog, trans fats are bad for health, and many people have strong attitudes not to take any trans fats in their bodies. However, trans fats are included into many processed food, so I think we cannot remove trans fats in the body. I also think Japanese people do not have to be careful about it so much considering their daily diets and other surroundings. I want to write about that.

 I watched the video, ''Any useful tips? ''.  I learned there are two strategies of prewriting, clustering and freewriting. I think enumerating ideas and drawing general map about the topic is important and these things will be used at any point of the writing process.


We are all monkeys against racism

 There is no difference. Human beings are all the same and we must not do discrimination of the color of skins. I have never understood why a few people want to categorize people depending on their colors.
We do not need more racism.

If you had an unlimited plane ticket for a month, what would you do with it?

 I neglected writing blogs because I got Gogatsubyo. Oh my god--- I slept much time but I am always dull. I learned it is important for me not to stay up late even if it is a couple of days.

I would so happy if I had an unlimited plane ticket for a month. At first, I wanted to visit a lot of countries all over the world. However, I need one year to go all of them. Thus, I plan to European countries, especially Italy. My friend went there three years ago, and she told me how beautiful Italy was and their food was so delicious. I dreamed seeing the Mediterranean Sea, so her story provoked me to go to Italy. I will eat mamy pasta and pizza!!!!
              photo credit: http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/laurier/diary/200907220001/



Netiquette is a slang that mixes net and etiquette. It is needed when we communicate in the Internet and use web site or e-mail. For example, we should not use machine dependent characters or half-width characters and words that are used in limited area. All of these things make readers uncomfortable. I think we must be careful whether we use Japanese-English or not because there is audience in the world. When they read the words, they may be irritated.
And, in the case of e-mail, we should not use big capacity of file. It might cause trouble between the recipient and I.